Thursday, September 02, 2004

HsiLgne: What a beautiful language

Jialong says:itz caLLed HsiLgne

Yongren has been added to the conversation.

CleMenT says: wat a wonderful language... pls repeat all to yongren`

Jialong says: woh era uoy?

Kase says:llew knaht uoy

Guowei says: esak gnipyt v wols

Guowei says:ysuol

Kase says:tsum kniht am....

Jialong says:hay roL

Jialong says:gnikuf drah

Guowei says:he nud esu ragluv al

Kase says:kniht tnemelc dna gnoy ner hctac ob llab

Yongren has left the conversation.

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