Tuesday, November 23, 2004


22th NOVEMBER 2004, 0720 hrs.
I lost my most cherished item from her.
The ban came off without notice.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Laughter: the Best Medicine

Laughter improves health and extends life. Laughter increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, which not only helps healing and improves circulation, it also expands the blood vessels close to the skin's surface. It can also lower the heart rate, dilate the arteries, stimulate appetite and burn calories. Laughters stimulates and releases endorphins,the body's natural body pain killer and 'feel good' enhancers, which release stress and heal the body. 1 minute of solid laughter provides up to 45 minutes of subsequent relaxation. Having similar chemical composition to morphine and heroin, endorphins have a tranquillising effect on the body, while building on immune system.

Laughter occurs more with social interaction. Watching a comedy alone would result in laughters significantly less than when watching it with a friend, or even a stranger. When you smile at one person, they will almost always return the smile, which causes positive feelings in both parties. Encounters will run smoothly and last longer, have positive outcomes and dramatically improves relationship. Smiles and laughters are contagious. When you give someone a smile,it causes them to reciprocate by returning a smile, even if both are faking it.The unconscious mind exerts direct control of the facial muscles. Naturally, it would be hard to smile at a frowning face, vice versa. People literally mirrors facial expressions.

When one is tensed, angry or sad, he holds a kind of expression similiar to that of a bulldog expression. If he holds this negative emotions throughout the lifetime, the expression will evolve into a permanent bulldog expression.

Pals, humour heals. Stay happy and do not miss any chance to have a good laugh.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Nothing but whining.. I need life man.. Help

Fuck this whole damn week. Screwed up during the working days, and boredom invades when I'm finally freed from work. Not that I'm whining about having work to do, but things just goes wrong. No dates + no cash + no company + boredom= no life. There hasn't been much entertainment lately. The rain outside the window is provoking the dampened spirits.

I spent the whole morning watching pirated VCDs taken from Robert. The camera man who shot the Johnny English simply sux. If he can't get a good seat, then don't film it! Taken from the front rows, it was fustrating to see every fuck shit slanted. No soccer today, no extented hours of mahjong, no movies... Only me, myself, my room, my book, my com. Even my PS2 is showing temper. The pin broke when I plugged it out from the holes. Damned.

Just saw Jialong's blog. Man he's enjoying every bit of life. I kinda get jealous of him as I whine all this crap in front of the screen, while it's pouring hell outside. What a lonely Sunday. Don't even feel like having lunch.

Last night's mahjong with the monkey clan was terrible. Morale hit rock bottom when I entered the game as they were into their 6th round. I gave my virgin "bao qing" to Robert. Somemore it's "man tai". The songs from Simon's mp3 player were also contributing to the irritating headache.

I took over 2 duties for this week. The second duty was rather hectic. My duty clerk is a first timer, and a newly enlisted (less than a month old) soldier. Thankfully this chubby fellow is willing to learn, but handling a newbie is still a chore. He had my DO account an intruder locked out by entering the wrong password thrice (and he's certain he got it correct), and that leads to some extra shitty chores. Next, someone called the ops room to look for me. Chubby called me while I was on the bike to clear armskotes, and told me "Sir, Div 1 Commander is looking for you!" What the hell was that?? Div 1? Is there such a division? And he is so damn sure about it. I called back later, and it's DY Commander... It was a late night for me as I ended up teaching the bugger how to be a duty clerk. And he snores.

On the night Eugene's on duty, Boss gave a late arrow. Man it's 11 pm, and we were tasked to finish a report. Poor Eugene who stayed up the night before playing "Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball", was deprived of his much needed rest. He dozed off a couple of times while thinking how to phrase the shit. The report was finished at 1am, as the most no effort report ever did by us.

Hell do I need to add some spice to my life. I need to find entertaining activities that can be done alone. Something more enriching and active than gaming or reading. Maybe some community service or self travelling? With boredom like this corroding me, I might as well go back to Chinablack and put on my superman suit.