Review for a Server at Chinablack (Rating of 1 to 10)
- Pay: 3 At $6 per hour, it's a lousy pay for a weekend late night.
- Working Hours: 5 6 hours is already considered a long time for me in the clubhouse. (Refer to Enstein's Theory of Relativity).
- Distance: 7 Situated in town, it's always nice to report for work after dinner with pals.
- Freedom : 3 There's no chance for hiding to take a break. Each of us was only allocated a short 15 minutes smoking break.
- Working environment: 1 As mentioned in earlier blog entries (, the place made me wana puke after absorbing all the smokes, noises, and lightings.
- Boss: 3 I do not like how the supervisor's attitute. Fucking kuai-lan.
- Interaction with new collegues: 8 I do not quite like most of the staffs, but there were a handful of them that are willing to teach and appeared friendly.
- Babes: 10 It babes and babes and babes no matter which way I turned.
- Enjoyment: 3 Although the music was loud, it could well be the only cool thing. I had no mood to admire at the babes.
- Physical requirement: 8 With little breaks, it's a struggle to keep walking to and fro the packed clubhouse for 6 hours. My poor legs really hurts.
- Mental requirement: 2 There's nothing to learn as a server after I understood my job routine - to clear glasses and ashtrays.
- Safety: 2 Seriously hazardous to work there for a long term. Music exploding in the ears, air filled with second hand smoke, giddy lightings. Terrible.
- Learning Value: 3 As a server, I only learn more names to the different kinds of liquors.
- Overall Job Satisfaction: 4 I quit after 3 weeks. It's a place for clubbers, not workers.
Review for a DBS Credit Card Promoter (Rating of 1 to 10)
- Pay: 6 An average pay of $6 per hour for weekend.
- Working Hours: 6 6 hours of working the streets of Orchard is rather tiring.
- Distance: 7 Town is a good place to chill out before and after work.
- Freedom: 5 We had freedom to do whatever we want, but there are timely spotchecks from the mangement who hid among the crowd. So we had to act in caution. Occasionally, we sneaked a 2 hour long break.
- Working environment: 9 Walking the streets of Orchard during Christmas truly surrounded me with the joy of the festive season.
- Boss: 6 The lady expected demands and therefore drew a distinct line between boss and worker.
- Interaction with new collegues: 10 I made some really cool new friends who turned out to be good KTV buddies!
- Babes: 8 There's no lack in babes roaming the streets.
- Enjoyment: 4 I did not experience much fun. My face was pretty black most of the time.
- Physical requirement: 8 The continuous walking to and fro the streets, carrying a large signboard did tire me out at the end of the day.
- Mental requirement: 7 This job also involved studying human behaviour, and therefore I had to come out with different approaches to coax potential customers.
- Safety: 8 My big signboard on top of me did hit a few passerbys when I bent over.
- Learning value: 6 There are techniques to pick up in the art of sales and promoting.
- Overall Job Satisfaction: 6 I do not like to approach strangers in the streets to promote. I rather they approach me. But it's still a good experience altogether.
Review for a SAF Officer in ITI (Rating of 1 to 10)
- Pay: 9 For 1K++ per month this income had been the pillar to ensure the survival of my family.
- Working Hours: 7 Although working hours is a seemingly long 9 hours, it past rather fast.
- Distance: 3 Also known as Siberia, TG Camp is situated at Tuas. It took me a bit more than an hour to reach camp.
- Freedom: 9 Referring to the times that Eugene and I are the biggest fuck in the office, we were totally free to do whatever we want: read newspaper, soccer, tea time, surf net, play game, etc. The restriction came in only when I received a call or SMS from boss.
- Working environment: 8 The camp felt like a resort to me. With the wide variety of entertainments available, life never gets boring in camp.
- Boss: 8 I am glad to have MAJ S as my direct boss. Cuz he is always so busy to be bothered to supervise us.
- Interaction with new collegues: 10 It's always nice to have other people bumping into my office to look for challengers in chinese chess. Or we would have a game of Soul Calibre 2 before switching to FIFA 2005. And Eugene had been influential in changing my attitute for the better.
- Babes: 1 Self-explanatory.
- Enjoyment: 7 It was fun when I get to take total charge of my own time. But my jobs were pretty unappealing to me.
- Physical requirement: 8 Even when as a staff officer, I was often picked to take part in running competitions. I was compelled to maintain a certain level of fitness.
- Mental requirement: 10 Boss always like to give us little details and ask us to brainstorm for more when putting up a report.
- Safety: 9 There's no physical harm I could sustain. Maybe some indigestions from oversleeping after lunch?
- Learning value: 10 For spending 8 months in this camp, I had definitely felt I had not wasted time working in this organisation. I grew up alot. 2 years in army well spent!
- Overall Job Satisfaction: 8 It was fulfilling for the time in ITI. But the rigid system of SAF is the reason that I longed to be out of this organisation ASAP!
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