Sunday, July 27, 2008


How do suicidal thoughts come about? While every mother's son is bestowed with one life, be it long or short, sometimes it would seem justified to have Armageddon take place at that very moment to rip everyone off the right to live (if I decide not to exist anymore). Depression is a tool so powerful that it will momentarily brainwash rationality off a mind. Should I one day develop such thoughts, I will gather every last bit of my rationality and tell myself, "I must spend and utilise every single cent left in my savings before I succumb to that hellish idea. " I will indulge in the most lavish spending, shop with extravagance, and dine in luxurious places that serve the finest delicacies. When the last cent has been expanded, then it would be time to execute the mission, but only if I do not hesitate lingering in this world anymore longer after tasting the finest in life. If I should decide that this bloody world is still worth lingering, I would already have bought myself a second life.

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