On a warm and humid Friday night, three men sat in front of the coffee table. Even though three, the dinner was a pretty quiet one. As the three men, or rather, the three generations, consume the food that seem tasteless to them, they each was troubled.
The grandfather, who survive one near death experience, is now thin almost to the bone. He now live his days, even though leisurely, expecting his end nearing. Still, he tried hard sustaining the frail live hassling from hospitals to chinese physicians, from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore. Easily wearied, he rested his wrinkled body against the cushion, troubled over the unknown number of days left that he is granted to see the soothing light and breathe the purest air.
The son, a grown man now, had felt his weight gradually increasing, attributed by the responsibilities of sustaining the maintenence of the house and other necessities, now that his father had lost his ability to do so. He thought that this had come too soon, thus distrupting the assumed proper route that he should take. After some hopeful attempts to approach potential organisations for help, all was but in vain. He worried over the limitations of himself, and an unstable future path which goes against his initial ambitions. He do not like the idea that he will fall behind other people of his age.
The father is at a vunerable period of his life. For a 50 year old man like him, things are worst for him when both career and marriage had came to an abrupt end. His ego were being trampled upon when he realise that he could no longer provide for his family. Even when he discards many other debts, he met with emotional disputes that spurred the thoughts of suicide in the worst scenario. At this very moment, as he sat in the melancholy living room, he probably could not rest his head to the back of the couch, for his head is rounded up by bandages...
On the previous night, Thursday, the son finally found the chance to unleash all the fustration brought about by the boring job at the KTV. He was enjoying the company of a buddy and four other ladies. He proudly showed off his gifted ability with the microphone in front of the new people. Perhaps he enjoyed it when praises showers him. From 8pm, they did not want to leave the room until it was near 1am. It was the last proposed song when the son's handphone rang a familiar ringtone. Going outside the room to answer, he thought his father wanted to ask him if he was going home. However, the son could answered only to hear an unfamiliar voice from the other end.
"Are you ####'s son?""Yes""He was admitted to Tan Tock Seng Hospital. He had quite a serious head injury, and is bleeding quite badly.""What had happened?""It should be a fall""Ok.. I'll come over right now."The group had waited for the son to finish his last song, he came back to the room with a worried face to break to them the sudden news. The son left hastily, leaving the rest to settle the bills. The son went into the lift with another guy. The guy held the lift door open, awaiting his friends who dragged themselves like slugs toward the lift. The son expressed his urgency to the guy, who replied in an unconcerned manner. The son almost wanted to smash his head off the lift wall.
Upon alighting at the A&E, the son was just in time to see the father being pushed on a trolley bed. The father was wearing a light grey shirt, cruelly smeared, with blood of his own, across his chest, from collar downwards. Dried blood stained his chest through the unbuttoned. He had a bandage cast on his head, leaving little hair to pout out on top. His left eye was wide, for the tight bandage had pulled up the left side of the forehead. The son frantically rushed to him. The father remained in a daze, which however, seemed to be mixed with rage and anguish. His face was obviously still red from the liquor. The son greeted the father, pained to witness such tragedy. The father looked at his son in the eyes, as if dying to tell him something. He did not speak, not knowing unwilling or unable to. He merely passed his mobile phone to his son. The father was pushed away to the treatment ward.
A man in blue shirt then approached the son. He, too, smelt of liquor. Upon confirming that the son's identity, he introduced himself as the father's friend. They stood outside the building in the midnight breeze. The son eagerly wanted to know more from the man. The first thing he wanted to know was how had the father injured himself. The man described that the father had drank too much, who then fell after he suddenly lost his consciousness. Unconvinced, the son went on to clarify the exact details of how he fell. He replied that the father fell off his chair. The man went on to advise the young son about the dire and stressed situation the father was in. Of course, the son knows it better than anyone else. But what the son did not expect is that the father still could not get over the broken and betrayed marriage, and he lived everyday in misery, at times thinking that life isn't worth carrying on. The son shook his head in disappointment.
Finally, when only one person was allowed to visit the father, the son went in. The nurse allowed the poor son into the ward where the wounds were going to be stitched. The father lied under a rotating light similiar to those in a dental. In this room the father spoke his first words to the son. "Is my handphone with you? Call him. Call X, ask him how is he going to pay for this." Puzzled, the son leaned forward to question. The father was fury, yet unable to be loud, "how do you think I got this? You really thought I fell?" The son could guess that the father was referring to the man in blue. He got increasingly agitated as he speaks. Noticing the unstable condition of the patient, the nurse had to invite the son to leave the room.
The son sat impatiently outside the ward with a confused state of mind. The doctor came looking for him. "Your father can be discharged already. But he seemed to be an unstable state of mind. On the ambulance, he had been saying things like 'why don't you all let me die? Why save me? Let me die...' We had initially wanted to send him to the Institute of Mental Health instead... You must be able to take more caution taking care of him.." These words sent trembles down the son heart. Suicidal thoughts again. The most fucked up adn irresponsible statement one could ever make, he thought.
The son pushed the father out to the corridor on a wheelchair. He insisted on walking, and went straight up to the man in blue. The worried, yet outraged, but confused son followed on.
At their very first exchanged of glance, the father gave him a wide smile, showing all his teeth that glitters with an exhibition of ingenuity. "死不了... 烂命一条..." The father showed his arms around the man's shoulders and together, they walked out into the chilling night breeze, the son tagging behind. The son, who earlier had a good nice chat with the man, now sticks his face near the man's, a glare so stern that it never blinked, as it travelled so deep into the man's guilty eyes. It did not require the son to ask "did you hit my dad?" for the man to give a reply, "you can believe 50%, I know you will choose to believe your father, but I swear I did not beat him." In fact, the father could not remember a shit about what happened. He did not recall where exactly he fell, who was there or whatever. He only knew he woke up in a cell that is moving, and accompanied by paramedics.
It did not take long for the 'friendly gesture' to evolve hostile between the father and the man. Vulgars and middle fingers erupted in a seemingly peaceful night that should not tolerate such audacity in the first place! The son knew it's time to intervene, well knowing that a body contact would possibly sparkle off some violent scenario. The son dragged his father away as he called for the man to disappear out of their sights immediately.
That fucker is a money lender. The son's stepmother had borrowed a small sum of $1,500, with dad as the guarantor. The outstanding debt is $750. Unable to locate her, the fucker looked for the father. Then some incident occurred outside the country club before which the father found himself in the ambulance.
The father was at the limit of what rage can reach. He lost the battle to rationale - he did not even give a fight. The insistent father brought the hesitant son along to the stepmother's mother's home. The poor cab driver was chided violently by the infuriated father when he could not find the way. It was about 3am when the father and son stood outside the unit, talking to the stepmother's brother. The brother's main concern was, well, to keep reminding the father to keep his voice down in the silent night. But the father had been taken over by emotions. The son watched in silence. The weeping, hopeless, and angry one-sided conversation echoed mournfully down the corridor. Nothing could prove to work out, even by talking to the family. The father was unsure why he went there in the first place. He was confused, he did not know what to do. The son advise him to go back home, and then to the neighbourhood police post.
Walking past the seven-eleven and the MacDonald's, the midnight punks were chilling out beside their stunt bikes. Every mother's son turned to look at the bloody man walk pass.
Back at home, the father was startled to see himself in front of the mirror - his bloody self. Looking at himself in the mirror, he probably had recovered a majority of his rational sense, lost earlier. He told his son, "my anger had subsided." Torn down by the series of incidents, he dropped on his bed, unchanged out of his bloodied shirt. The son asked if they are going to the police. The father replied, "we'll see tommorrow. I'm tired..."
A week later, nothing had yet been done to seek justice. The father probably had let it rest, since the shark agreed to forget the $750 sum. He probably fear further complications if matters were brought up to legal level. Anyway, the father owe him another few thousands separately. The fuckers who survive by under table - fuck you.
If a sum of $750 could be resolved with 3 stitches behind the head, the son would not mind taking five smashed of bottles or on the wall, and stitching up some 15 stitches on the scalp to settle the father's debt with that fucker. One day I shall call him up to discuss.